Chemical agents contained in 412,798 munitions, including projectiles, rockets, bombs, and ton containers, were eliminated, reducing the overall U.S. During a 14-year period, more than four million pounds of nerve agents, GB and VX, as well as blister agent HD, were safely destroyed and the disposal facility was dismantled.

Located on an atoll 800 miles southwest of Hawaii, JACADS represented a major milestone in CMA's history. This mission was accomplished while protecting the workers and the remote atoll's delicate environment. JACADS, the Army's first full-scale chemical weapons destruction facility, safely completed its mission of weapons destruction in 2000, facility demolition in 2003 and the last Army employees left Johnston Atoll by the end of 2003. They have made the chemical weapons of Johnston Atoll history they have made the world a safer place." Whyne noted, "This is our first RCRA permitted lethal agent incineration facility to close and I offer my heartiest congratulations and a 'job well done' to the men and women of the JACADS team and our EPA partners. As a program, we have benefited from the lessons learned from working with the EPA." Whyne said, "The official closing of JACADS has been a thorough and meticulous process. 18, 2009, EPA Region IX official John Beach wrote that "EPA finds that the Army has fulfilled the requirements of its JACADS Permit," and that the EPA, "accepts the Army's closure of the facility as a clean closure."ĬMA Director Conrad F. Environmental Protection Agency has accepted the Army's closure of its former Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System. Army Chemical Materials Agency officials announced today that the U.S.