#Lunaria story game online free
Note: Just like MapleStory, Lunaria Story is designed with a 2D. Lunaria Story is a browser based social game, 2D side-scrolling Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG, MMO, RPG), free to play on web browse.

Players can go on thrilling quests, fight. Released in 2003, this online multiplayer role-playing game was developed by the South. Lunaria Story is a 2D platformer MMORPG published by R2Games. You create your character, quest and adventure through the world, and grow more and more power. Lunaria Story Online/Browser Home Media Board Description Lunaria Story combines the best elements of other popular MMORPGs and classic 2D platform games.

#Lunaria story game online Offline
R2 games decided lets change this a bit and they took it offline and started editing. Lunaria Story is a 2D Platforming MMORPG in the same vein as Maple Story. Classes and amazing class trees with lots of paths(ex:i could go to be a swordsman then go to knight then go to something else then go to pladin! choices choices), they had fun good quests, it had good pvp, it was a complex and long game, they had mutilple servers three files a server, they had many gear choices, and they had lots of npcs(storage npcs, quest npcs, shop npcs, ect.) then they thought o god were just going to lose money! they found R2 games would buy it so they sold it. MapleStory is a freemium MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) and fantasy video game developed by Wizet.