Verbal Tic: *Kaff kaff* Oh, *gack* *huuuckhh* y-*bluh-hurf* yeah.*hrk hrk guack!*.
Smoking Is Cool: She has an ability where she smokes, causing Damage Over Time to all enemies and allies in the room. Second-Face Smoke: Whatever nastiness she's got brewing in her lungs could kill a lesser person. Must Have Nicotine: And tries to stretch her few cigarettes by cutting her tobacco with decidedly unhygienic substances. Meaningful Name: Pulmoni is dative singular form for lung in Latin and plural form of lung in Romanian, and is almost certainly the type of disease Rakya has. Knowledge Broker: And she uses it to her advantage by talking Elise into a FaceHeel Turn. Incurable Cough of Death: Played for laughs. Also explains her ability to "Overclock" modules and improve their performance. Rakya: You got a smoke? Y'know - cigs, coffee grounds, cloth, dirt, whatever. He also unlocks the Extenders ability, which reduces the food costs of healing heroes. Supreme Chef: His first active skill (Last Supper) boosts the attacking power of all allies in the same room. Meta Power-Up: Not only does Cooking with Gas cause damage over time to all enemies, it also increases the chance that they will drop Dust too. His second active skill (Cooking with Gas) causes damage over time to all enemies on the floor. Unlike most Mighty Glacier types however, most of his skills are more support-focused rather than tanking/crowd control-focused, such as granting a damage bonus to friendlies (thanks to his delicious cooking) or causing damage over time to enemies (thanks to his. Chef of Iron: Nanor's a Mighty Glacier - slow, tough, and hard-hitting. The Butcher: His weapon of choice is a cleaver. Blade Enthusiast: Proud of his prowess with knives and eager to use them in combat. It is a long, hot, sweaty effort that ends in bliss. Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: If he winds up accompanying the other members of his gang (Josh, Troe, and Max), they'll eventually uncover his true identity and kill him for turning them in. Master of Disguise: His specialty as the criminal Funny Face. The first hint that he isn't the real Warden Mormish is that he stands up on his chair whenever he's fighting monsters, something a paraplegic obviously would not be able to do. Handicapped Badass: He's a paraplegic in a hoverchair. Evil Genius: As part of his gang's Five-Man Band. After the ship crashed, he impersonated the dead warden to escape retribution. He ratted out his gang for a reduced sentence, but ended up on the same ship as them. Dead Person Impersonation: The character's true identity is a criminal nick-named Funny Face, specialized in impersonating people. Mormish: Careful, I'm the Warden! The big boss. Shout-Out: A Gender Flipped version of El iot Ness. There Was A Doorknob: She uses doors, but she loves kicking them down. Reassigned to Antarctica: By a higher-up who was tired of paying for the damage she inflicted. She gets a second accessory slot instead. Whilst this is the source of her massive base defense and high natural health, it also means she can't use any armor items found throughout the Dungeon like most of the other heroes. Powered Armor: She starts with a hulking red powersuit. Also, the skill Engage Turtle Mode (reduces speed, vastly improves defense) firmly puts her into this trope. Mighty Glacier: Elise boasts respectable defense, health and damage, but is one of the slowest characters in the game. Not that she was squeaky-clean to begin with. FaceHeel Turn: When Rakya tells her the details behind her reassignment, she's consumed by vengeance. Her boss is too tired of dealing with her collateral damage while on the job.
Revealed to be the reason that she's in prison. Destructive Savior: Ties in with her ability Shrapnellizer, which deals heavy damage to all enemies in the room, but also hits all allies as well as Modules inside.Blood Knight: Definitely in it for the thrills.Elise: Hey, if the bad guys can break and enter, why can't the good guys?